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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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Click a letter to choose a word from English to Cherokee

A B  C D  E F  G H  I J  K L  M N  O P  Q R  S T  U V  W X  Y Z

EXAMPLE: Cherokee = tsa-la-gi = Cherokee

(Scroll past the Syllabary for pronounciation key)
Alihelisdi!-- Ganag'ati Lowe'di Alahusgi'
Translation: (Enjoy!-- Dr. Loretta Standley)

The Cherokee Syllabary


"a", as "a" in father, or short as "a" in rival
"e", as "a" in hate, or short as "e" in met
"i", as "i" in pique, or short as "i" in pit
"o", as "o" in note, approaching "aw" as in law
"u", as "oo" in fool, or short as "u" in pull
"v", as "u" in lung, nasalized

Cherokee Syllabary Pronunciation Key:

The Cherokee alphabet is written in the syllabary form. A syllabary is an alphabet in which each letter in a word stands for a whole syllable (such as "ga" ) instead of a single letter (such as "g"). With the exception of the letter "s," Cherokee is a complete syllabary.

Almost all Cherokee syllables end in a vowel. When using the syllabary, Cherokee words can almost always be spelled as they are pronounced. Spelling sometimes varies when using English letters to interpret the syllables.

The Cherokee language uses the following English consonants: d g h k l m n q s t w

The following English consonants do not exist in the Cherokee language: b f p r* t v x z.

*The Eastern or lower dialect which is now extinct used a rolling "r", which took the place of the "l" of the other dialects. (*Note - I'm Eastern Band Cherokee)

A beginning speaker should try keep the lips still, mouth slightly opened, pressing the tongue against the lower teeth.

Syllables beginning with "g" except (ga) are pronounced almost as in English, but approaching to (k).

Syllables beginning with "d" are pronounced almost as in English, but approaching to (t); do, du , dv are sounded as to, tu, tv in some words.

Syllables written with (ti) except (tla) sometimes vary to "di". The syllables "do, du, dv " are sometimes sounded "to, tu, tv."

The syllables qua, que, qui, quo, quu, quv are pronounced with a "kw" sound before each vowel.

The syllables dla, tla, tle, tli, tlo, tlu, tlv are pronounced by touching the tongue to the roof of the mouth and bringing it down as the syllables are spoken. The syllables written with "tl" except "tla" sometimes are pronounced "dl".

The syllabes tsa, tse, tsi, tso, tsu, tsv are pronounced a little differently depending upon the dialect. In Western Cherokee the syllables are usually pronounced as the "j" in jaw. Remember to try to keep the tongue at the bottom of the mouth, touching the bottom teeth and the "j" sound becomes softer.

At times, Cherokee syllables have unvoiced or silent vowels. At times the silent vowel may be indicated with an apostrophe as in the number seven, "ga l' quo gi" - or indicated by brackets "ga (li) quo gi." When this happens the consonant in that syllable is pronounced with the preceding syllable, "gal quo gi."

Here are some examples:


How are you?

o-si-yo / 'siyo

Alihelisdi!-- Ganag'ati Lowe'di Alahusgi' Translation: (Enjoy!-- Dr. Loretta Standley)

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**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.