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Copyright 1999-2025: Dr. Loretta J. Standley - All Rights Reserved.

Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

Astro Chart, personal readings with DrStandley, health consults with DrStandley, eBooks and more

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Spiritual Progression Path™


Astrology Charts, Solar Return, Daily Horoscopes, Phone readings, report writing, rising signs and more

Brain Dump on many astrology topics

Garbage Astrology - because I like my Astrology trashy.

Body Systems

Downloads from God and Dr. Standley's Musical DLGs™

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Native American Animal Medicine

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And Who Are You? - Special Companion Guide

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Astro Chart, personal readings with DrStandley, health consults with DrStandley, eBooks and more

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Dr. Loretta Standley is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

Dr. Loretta Standley is an 'Experienced' Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance

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And Who Are You - Special Companion Guide on DrStandley.com
Unlimited Virtual Yoga Classes

Astrology Aspects eBook - by Dr. Loretta Standley

eBooks and more

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Dr. Loretta Standley - Teaching You To Become Your Own Best Healthcare Provider
828.620.6003 - Cherokee, NC

Holistic Health Consultant and Yoga Teacher
Medical Empath (Intuitive)
Nodal Astrologer, Author, Internet Radio, Mentator
and Experiential Junkie
“A physician without a knowledge of Astrology
has no right to call himself a physician.” -- Hippocrates

Dr. Loretta Standley on DrStandley.com

'Siyo~ I am Dr. Loretta Standley. My complete educational and professional bio is below. I am an enrolled member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indian (EBCI) in Cherokee, North Carolina. My late mother was full-blood, which is why natural healing methods and sacred ceremony, rituals and practices resonate with my spirit. Read more about my Cherokee Tribal Citizenship and Ancestry here!

According to the Netcraft Web Server Survey of July 2022, which is a widely respected survey, they received responses from 1,139,467,659 (1.1 billion) distinct websites world-wide. Even if three-quarters of those sites were inactive and the one-quarter were active, that would still be a staggering number of websites world-wide. Naturally the goal is to be traffic ranked Number 1. As of this writing (Tuesday - September 6, 2022) www.google.com holds the #1 spot both globally and nationally. This website www.drstandley.com has a national (U.S.) daily traffic rank of approximately 236,458 - 255,022. The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to this site and pageviews on this site over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews WINS and is ranked #1. It is quite a feat to be included in the top 17,000,000 (17 million) websites, much less the top 100,000 sites world-wide or nationally. Since the goal is to have the lowest number possible (that being #1), then you can see this is pretty much a rockin' site at 255,022 out of 1.1 billion websites world-wide. Enjoy!~

If you want to contact me, save yourself some time and do it the old-fashioned way. In other words, just pick up the phone and call me. 828-620-6003 (Cherokee, NC)

E-mail drives me crazy but I do leave an email address on the 'Contact page' of this website as well as all of my social media connections. Email leaves out the human element and tone often gets lost in translation, plus volleying e-mails back and forth is too much work to get a simple question answered. If you phone and I answer, then you have not interrupted me. If I do not answer, leave your name, phone number and the best time to call and I will return your call.

Dr. Loretta Standley on DrStandley.com

After operating a chiropractic and holistic women's clinic for several years and chatting on the radio for several more, I made the giant leap to talk non-stop through the largest media imaginable [a website]. For this reason, I no longer practice Chiropractic.

I refer to myself as a holistic health consultant and a 'mentator'. I chuckle when I receive an e-mail saying I spelled "mentor" wrong. This tells me the word "mentator" is doing its thing, which is deliberately making others think by invoking and provoking thought. I am a Gemini and Gemini rules the mind. I take the word mentator from the word "mentation and mental," meaning purposeful and deliberate thinking. After all, the Gemini motto is, "I think, therefore I am" because we Gemini's are the mental sign of the zodiac. I don't even know if "mentator" has even made the dictionary yet, but I am going to use it anyway!

Even though I no longer practice Chiropractic and since I did earn my doctorate, doctor remains part of my formal name, therefore I am committed to its meaning and serving the public in some health-focused capacity. Doctor means teacher, and I believe it is still my mission to teach you how to "become your own best healthcare provider ™. "


  • Pose-itively Yoga LLC - Owner and Founder

  • Doctorate of Chiropractic (DC) - Logan College of Chiropractic
  • Student Doctor Award - Logan College of Chiropractic
  • B.S. - in Physics, Biology and Human Biology - Maryville University
  • FIAMA - Fellow in the International Academy of Medical Acupuncture
  • Externship - Massachusetts General Hospital in Neuroradiology
    (medical teaching institution for Harvard University)

  • Carlton School of Court Reporting - St. Louis, MO
  • Hickey College - Cooperative Honors Business/Secretarial Program - St. Louis, MO

  • Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Clown College - Venice, Florida
  • Internet Radio Talk Show - Provocative Internet Radio Without Going Too Far
  • Author of "And Who Are You? - A Daily Regimen for the Soul,"
  • Former radio talk show host - "The Holistic Hotline" - revolving around unconventional, Holistic and Complementary Healthcare
  • Dr. Loretta Standley on DrStandley.com

  • Former radio talk show host - "And What Do You Think" - Global, national and community current events (political, religious or anything else to get one's fist pumping in the air - I Love a Good mind wrestle)
  • Women's Holistic Healthcare in Clayton, Missouri - Before I created this website, I owned and operated - Women's Holistic Healthcare in Clayton, Missouri - (Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Colonics, Aromatherapy, Color Therapy, Ear Candling, Chakra Clearing and Balancing, Reiki - I also made my own herbal preps such as poultices, packs and compresses in the office and I had a holistic pharmacy within the clinic

  • Pre-College . . . Owner of 'Razzl Dazzl Entertainment' - Yep! I actually use to be a professional clown! Wow - Those were some pretty big shoes to fill.
  • Pre-College . . . Owner of 'Classic Cliche' Gifts' - It was a "tongue in cheek" gag gift business that revolved around cliche's.
  • Pre-College . . . Owner of 'Process Servers Unlimited' - We did process serving, skip tracing, background checks and private investigation. Oh I can find a needle in a haystack like wouldn't believe.
  • Former model (from age 20 to 37 years) until the day I opened my women's health clinic

As you can see from my education and experience listed above and below, I have a natural questioning and skeptical mind, which is different from suspicious and fearful distrust. I have a Capricorn Moon which as many know is THE MOST skeptical and sarcastic Moon of the zodiac. The Capricorn Moon sarcastically says, "Yeah right! You have to prove it to me because I think you are full of it." Even though I have always been a holistic health type of individual who never bought into the medical model, my additional education listed below was motivated purely by skepticism. I embrace my skeptical mind because it feeds my intuition, to ask the question regardless of what I am told to believe. As you can see by my degrees above along with my certifications and extended education below, I am a woman grounded in science. Still, my holistic, yet skeptical mind pushed me on to question and learn. Even my education in acupuncture was completely motivated by doubt and skepticism, which led to my Fellowship in the International Academy of Medical Acupuncture. Enjoy the site as I now share with you, everything I've learned and so much more!

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Dr. Loretta Standley on DrStandley.com


  • Acupuncture and Acupressure Post-Doctorate
  • American Indian ceremony, practices and rituals
  • Astrology Studied and practiced for 35 years and then later in Life under the direction of the late Mr. Thomas Seers - Lebanon, TN
  • Applied Kinesiology - Certified Kinesiologist
  • Aromatherapy - Certified Aromatherapist
  • Body Language, Facial Expression, Voice Recognition, Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication - Expert / Instructor
  • Colon Hydrotherapy - Certified Colon Therapist
  • Colour Therapy - Certified Colour Therapist
  • Cranial Sacral Therapy
  • Feng Shui
  • Gu-sha Technique
  • Handwriting Analysis - Expert / Instructor
  • Herbology
  • Homeopathy
  • Iridology
  • Reflexology
  • Reiki Master
  • Tai Chi
  • TCM - Traditional Chinese Medicine and Tongue Diagnosis
  • Various energy techniques
  • Practiced twelve chiropractic techniques
  • Post-doctorate studies in Neurology
  • Post-doctorate studies in Nutrition
  • Dr. Loretta Standley is an 'Experienced' Certified and Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance Dr. Loretta Standley is an 'Experienced' Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance
    Dr. Loretta Standley is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance


  • Yoga - May 2018 Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT 200) Swansea, IL
  • Yoga - November 2018 Yoga Shred Certified with Sadie Nardini
  • Yoga - August 2019 opened Pose-itively Yoga LLC (Yoga studio)
  • Yoga - September 2019 Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT 200) O'Fallon, IL
  • Yoga - May 2020 Earned my E-RYT 200 designation as well as the YACEP (Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider). The 'E' stands for experienced signifying having taught 1000 classes or more.
  • Yoga - July 2020 Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT 300) - Asheville Yoga Center, Asheville, NC, which translates into my RYT 500 designation.
  • May 2022 - Earned my 'E' designation (experienced) after teaching 4 years and after teaching 2786 hours (requirement is 2000 hours plus 4 years).
  • Yin Certified through Paul Grilley, who along with Sarah Powers was a student of Paulie Zink, the father of Daoist yoga, *see last bullet point below. Paul Grilley developed this slow-paced style of yoga, which he and Sarah named 'Yin Yoga' using 'the functional approach' to yoga as opposed to the aesthetic approach to yoga.
  • I also have also completed three (3) trainings in Restorative Yoga including certificates in 'Restorative Yoga' and 'The Kinesiology of Yoga' with Judith Hanson Lasater, who is recognized as one of the leading teachers in the country in Restorative Yoga.
  • Once a month, I participate in an online Yin Yoga phone session with Paul Grilley.
  • Once a month, I participate in an online Yin Yoga class with the founder of Yin Yoga - Paulie Zink, followed by a Q & A session.
  • Once a month, I participate in an 'Office Hours' phone session with Judith Hanson Lasater, the founder of Restorative Yoga.

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Dr. Loretta Standley on DrStandley.com


  • North American Indian Women's Association (NIAWA) - Cherokee, NC
  • Benevolent Society (Past-President)

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  • National Association of Women's Business Owners (NAWBO)
  • St. Louis Business Women's Golf Association (SLBGA)
  • Women's Health Alliance
  • Women for Healthcare Education Reform and Equity
  • International Chiropractic Association
  • American Chiropractic Association
  • Missouri State Chiropractic Association
  • International Academy of Medical Acupuncture
  • National Wellness Association
  • Sacral Occipital Research Society International
  • National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy
  • International College of Applied Kinesiology

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  • The Cherokee One Feather
  • Mystic Mind Magazine
  • The Healthy Planet
  • Pathfinder
  • Progressive Woman
  • Seasons Magazine
  • St. Louis Connoisseur
  • Spirit Seeker Magazine

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Dr. Loretta Standley on DrStandley.com

  • Several national and local radio programs
  • News Channel 11 TV - St. Louis, Missouri
  • Working Women's Survival Show
  • Natural Living Expo
  • Heartland Expo
  • Various women's organizations
  • Corporate retreats
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Colleges & Universities

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I like to refer to myself as an experiential junkie. In the field of holistic health I have made it part of my mission to experience as much as possible. I feel if I have a personal connection with as many techniques, approaches and methodologies as possible then I can better relate to you and what you might experience. Many times I ended up getting a certification and other times I just went through a routine treatment or program. E.g. - A typical Rolfing program involves 10 sessions, so I experienced all 10 sessions.

During my educational journey, I spent a brief period of time studying to be a nurse and also a brief period of time studying to be a physical therapist. My heart was obviously with holistic practices.

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Before and during college, I raised my daughter through modeling and being a professional clown. No kidding! I did magic shows, made balloon animals and face painted for a living. And when business was slow . . . I worked on a golf course cutting grass.

Hey! Sometimes you have to do exactly what you need to do in order to get to the place that you need to be.

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As an experiential junkie in my spare time, I calm my active life with prayer, yoga, meditation and writing or hanging out with my 16 year old grandson "Big Tree".

Dr. Loretta Standley on DrStandley.com

I also enjoy spending time with nature through hiking, backpacking the Appalachian Trail with my grandson, camping, fishing, canoeing, playing golf, bike-riding, snorkeling and traveling the country on vision quests with my friends. Being an air sign (Gemini), I have bungy-jumped, para-sailed, hang-glided, parachuted and took flying lessons for a while. Still looking to experience a hot-air ballon ride without having to jump out of it (bungy-jumped).

I enjoy watching any type of sport or competition and rarely miss watching the St. Louis Blues play hockey.

And music, WOW!!! That's another story. The louder the music, the more I like it and anything from classical to classic rock. Therefore, musicals at the Fabulous Fox, rock concerts and the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra I highly recommend to anyone.

And my favorite past time as an experiential junkie? . . . hanging out with my girlfriends and wondering silly things like "How does ink come out of pen?

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MISSION STATEMENT: Mission Statement

DISCLAIMER: **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.

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