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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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Dr. Loretta Standley is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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(Click a letter to choose words from English to Cherokee)


A B  C D  E F  G H  I J  K L  M N  O P  Q R  S T  U V  W X  Y Z

pack a-s

page u-ka-dv-i

pain e-hi-s-dv

paint ga-lo-ne-di

paint wo-di

Paint Clan a-ni-wo-di

painting mixing bowl wa-di-ga-lo-da-di

panther tlv-da-tsi

papa e-do-da

paper go-we-li

paper go

parallel du-tso-ta-wa-ti

parcel ga-que-nv-hi

parched ga-ha-wi-si-ta

parched gu-we-su-he

part i-ga-dv

partridge moccasin

pass hi-nv-si

pass de-s-ge-di-si

pass hi-v-si

pass hi-ne-v-si

pass de-s

pass e-la-di-u ga-ka-du-i

pass ga-hi-ne-v-si

pass hi-ka-si

pass ga-hi-v-si

pass ti-di-si

pass di-ga-hi-nv-si

pass ga-hi-ka-si

pass de-s-gi-ne-hv-si

pass de-s-gi-nv-si

pass hi-di-si

passive ni

past tense ge-se-i

paste ga-ya-lv-di

path nv-ne-hi

paw u-wa-yi

pay u-gi-s-ta-ti

payment di-gu-yv-di

peace nv-wa-do-hi-ya-dv

peaceful do-hi

peaceful do-hi

peach qua-nv

peanut du-ya--a-ni-la-di-s-gi

pear di-ga-dv-di

pearl da-gv-na

pecan so-hi--a-ni-nv-hi-da

pen ga-ne-he--gv-di-di-go-wi-lo-di

pencil di-go-we-lo-di

penis wa'-do-li

penis wa'-do

people a-ni-yo-ne-ga

people a-ni-u-ne-ga

people a-ni-yv-wi-ya

people a-ni-gv-ne-ga-i

people a-ni-yv-wu-yu

perch a-tsu-la

persimmon tsa-la-lu-i

persimmon sa-li

person yv-wi-ya

person a-si-yv-di

pheasant tla-na-ti-tsi

pheasant tlv-di-s-ti

Phoenix tsu-le-hi-sa-nv-hi

phone di-li-no-he-di

physical nu-li-ni-gv-gv

picture di-tli-la-s-ta-nu-hi

picture di-tli-lo-s-ta-nv

pie ge-li-s-gi

pig a-dv-si-qua

pigeon wo-yi

pigeon place wa-yi

pin u-s-qua-i

Pine Log na-sv-tli

Pine Log na-tsi-a-sv-tlv-yi

pine tree no-tsi

pine tree na-tsi

pipe ga-nv-na-wa

place na-nah-i

Place of Spirits s

plane ga-no-hi-li-do

plant ga-go-ti

plant a-we-s

planting a-we-s
Planting Month a-we-s

plants u-ni-ye-gv

plate a-te-li-do

play di-ne-lo-di

pleasant ye-li-u-s-ta

please u-do-hi-yu-i

please u-le-ha-le-s-ti

pleased u-le-ha-le-s

pleasure a-li-he-li-tsi-do-s-di

plow ga-da-lu-go-di

plugged u

plum qua-nu-na-s-di

pocket a-dla-wa-dv

point go-s-da-yi

poison a-da-hi-hi

poison ivy u-lv-ta

polish ga-lo-ni-di

political do-gi-ya-dv-u-gv-wa-li

poor u-le-sa-da-i

poor u-yo-i-yu-dv-nah-di-gi

Poplar tree tsi-yu

Poplar tree da-lo-ne-ga u-tsi-la-hv

porcupine tsu-tsa-ya-s-ti u-ne

porter a-do-ne-lv--tsi-na-tla-i

position na-nah-go-do-gv

possible i-gv-yi

possible ye-li-quu

possible i-gv-yi-i

possum si-qua--u-tse-tsa-s-di

post ge-dv-i

pot v-ti-ya

pot tsu-la-s

pot u-ta-nu-tsu-la-s

pot ga-da-ga-gv

pot tsu-la-s-gi

Pot in Water v-ti-gu-yi

pot make v-ti-ya di-ga-lu-s

pot scrapings u-tsa-le-ta

potato nu-na

potato like nu-na-yu-s-ti

potatoes nu

potatoes nu-na

potsherds du-la-s

pottery di-wa-li

pouch da-ga-tli

pounding te-s-ta-s

pounding mill u-s

powder da-we-la-gi-s

powder da-we-l-agi-s-gi

powder horn da-we-la gi-s

power u-la-ni-gv-gv

powerful u

pregnant ta-lu-li

present e-do-a

pretty u-wa-du-hi

pretty u-wo-du-hi

price tsu-gv-wa-lo-di

principal ya

print ga-le-ya-dv

prison di-da-s-du-di

prisoner a-hu-tsi

private u-tse-li-da

probable ye-li-quu

process a-yi-lv-s-di

produce a-du-hi-s-do-di

profit go-tlv-ta-nv

property tsu-gv-wa-lo-di-ni-gv-hna-nv

prose ka-li-no-da-do-la-gv-na

protest di-ga-ti-lv-s-di

public yv-wi-u-ne-da-s-di

pull ga-nasa-ne-s-gv

pump ga-sa-do-ya-s-gi

pumpkin i-ya

pumpkin like i-ya-i-u-sa-ti

pumpkin pie i-ya ge-li-s-gi

punch de-ta-la-s-ti

punishment o-s-dv-di-s-di

punk ta-wa-li

pupil di-de-lo-qua-s-gi

purple gi-ge-s-di

purpose u-ye-lv-dv-i

push ga-sa-do-yo-s-di

put wa-di-yi

Alihelisdi!-- Ganag'ati Lowe'di Alahusgi'

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**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.