This morning's Musical DLG™ (Download from God™) called, 'No Time' by The Guess Who could not have come at a stranger time. I am an individual who has a lot of time on my hands. This doesn't mean that I have a lot of idle time or a lot of spare time, because I tend to cram as much as I can into a 24-hour period of time. It's just that my time is moveable, changeable and flexible because it is the way I design my Life. Whatever it is, I can pretty much do it or fit it in, if I want to. If I don't want to, then I won't. If I want to, then I will. It is a rare occasion that I cannot do something because of time. Time is on my side because I say so. I make the decisions for me, so I'm the time-setter, scheduler and organizer of my Life. If something suddenly comes up, I can pretty much make it or fit it in. "YES!" is my answer.
So there I was listening to this Musical DLG™ reminding me of time and how little of it we really have. I do with my time what I want and I am very intentional about it. I show up on purpose, not by accident. My time is deliberate, and not by chance. My time is always early, and rarely ever late. I can be a real nightmare for the disorganized, the hurried or the late because I don't wait and I will complain. LOL!
I have been thinking of this song since I heard it this morning wondering why did I have to hear this song today because it bothers me a little. Not a lot, just a little. I believe that we are this tiny blip in time and we really don't have much of it (time that is). In my world it's kind of a race against time because I don't know if I will be here tomorrow or with God tomorrow. That's really how I think. I contemplate my crossover every day because it is a reality. It's going to happen. One day someone is going to be sorting through my stuff trying to figure out what to do with all of this junk. You know what they say, "Nothing is certain but death and taxes." So while I'm here the last thing I want to do is waste my time, my Love, my energy or whatever I want to share, on nothingness. Time is strangely important and I plan on spending all of my minutes as deliberately, purposefully and intentionally as I can. I guess that's what you call being 'present'.
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