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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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Downloads from God™ - August 2, 2018 with Dr. Standley

Dr. Loretta Standley - Downloads from God™ Musical DLG™ on DrStandley.com

[Posted Thursday - August 2, 2018]


Audio'Siyo or Osiyo [Hello in Cherokee]

The last Download from God™ was, MY FIRST MY LAST MY EVERYTHING

For those of you who do not know, every morning I wake up to music playing outside of my head (no radio on), which I call a Musical DLG™ (Download from God™). This morning's Musical DLG™ called, 'Just Like Heaven' by The Cure was a sweet awakening because this song reminds me of my Scorpion King (fiance'). We have been engaged so long that it feels like we have been engaged longer than we have been together. I have had a nasty little cold since I returned from vacation with my grandson and daughter. If you missed the long haul on my facebook page, it was quite an adventure. Anyway, the very next day after arriving home, I felt a cold coming on much like you can see a storm coming on over the not so distant trees. Suddenly, the cold was here. I could feel it in the back of my mouth as I clicked my tongue in the upper back part of my palate. Right there. Click click

Needless to say, I have been taking it easy, doing as much as I can, without doing as much as I know I can. The Scorpion King leaves for work super-early in the morning and most of the time I'm already up. If I'm not already up, then he gets me up because I like to make his lunch every morning. Even when I'm out of town, I make all of his food ahead of time so that he eats well while I'm away. That includes making a bunch of chicken breasts, turkey burgers, taco meat from turkey burger, boiled eggs, my homemade hummus (recipe here), pre-made spinach salad in a stainless steel container to keep it fresh, a cut-up fruit salad in a stainless steel container to keep it fresh, stuff like that. I like doing these things for him, because it's my Language of Love. [Keep reading . . . ]

There are five languages of Love based on the book by Gary Chapman, 'The Five Languages of Love'. Years ago I interviewed Gary on my radio show about this particular book. I need to dig around in my radio archives and post this interview. What a nice guy! The Five Languages of Love are - 1) Words of Affirmation, 2) Quality of Time, 3) Gift Giving, 4) Acts of Service and 5) Physical Touch. You may find that you are a little of all of them or hands down you are one or two of them. My language of Love is 2) Quality of Time and 4) Acts of Service. If I do something for you or show up for you during your time of frustration, desperation or celebration, then by golly you know I Love you and I care about you. You might be waiting until the cows come home for me to give you a gift, but by the Grace of God I will be there when it really counts. I will drive miles to meet you and show up for you during your critical or special time, and I won't be bringing a card. LOL!

So back to the song without revealing too much about my Scorpion King. I believe everyone is entitled to their privacy, including their Language of Love. If he wants you to know, then he will tell you. But, he is a Scorpio (winky wink). When I woke up it was 7:00 AM. I never sleep that late. As I laid there listening to this song, 'Just Like Heaven' by The Cure, I was brought back into a state of Relationship Love. You know that feeling when you first fall in Love with someone? I laid there listening to the words play outside of my head and was reminded why I Love my Scorpion King. Then I thought, "Why do I have to be reminded that I Love you?" We both LOVE this song and its pretty much a fun description of our relationship from that first date, to two weeks later playing the Ocean, to four months later moving in together and arriving at today. When this song comes on, we stop and turn it up because its on our house playlist. As I laid there listening I realized why I had to be reminded of why I Love him. Sometimes we do need to be reminded of why we Love the people we Love. The cure for my common cold literally came through, 'The Cure'. I don't want to be common and I don't want to be cold, especially to someone I Love. Looks like I'm cured!


by The Cure

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Now get out there.  Go play yourself UP! and practice being you.  ~Dr. Loretta Standley

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