This morning's Musical DLG™ (Download from God™) called, "Follow You, Follow Me" by Genesis is one of those songs where it automatically translates into me having a conversation with God. It's funny because yesterday when I was coming back from my second 'hot yoga' class, one song after another kept coming on the radio that would take my mind to a time that was uncomfortable, hurtful or angry. Whoa, I know when I am being tempted and I will not easily or voluntarily give negative energy control over me. I am a person who does not consciously engage in mental self-torture, which is why I do my best to be present as much as possible. I will also confront someone if something is on my mind. I'm a brave soul when it comes to confrontation, which does not necessarily mean aggressive, it just means I am able to speak up and address what is on my mind. The minute my mind enters the realm of self-torture, I address it or change the channel. I just happened to be in the car when the mental self-torture came on the radio, so I literally kept switching the channel until I landed on something wonderful. I even spoke outloud to God and acknowledged what was going on. I have a standard line that I say, with a little change-up depending on the circumstances, when I am being tempted to veer off my intended path.
I said, "Father, I just left hot yoga, a space that is sacred to me where my mind, heart and body are realigned and rejuvenated. I recognize that the negative force is attempting to take me off my path by tempting my head and heart to go elsewhere. I recognize what is happening this very minute, where I am being tempted to think about people, things and situations that are not, and were not, Good for me. I hereby cancel the energy and change channels."
I also do this on the invisible plane when I am with a group of people and the conversation turn ugly, gossipy or trivial (whiney). I call out to God in my mind and tell Him that I recognize that I am being tempted and baited to join a state-of-mind that is beneath me and that I am hereby changing channels. Then I make my way out of that conversation. I will speak up and say, "I will not participation in this conversation." If the conversation is gossip about another person I will say, "So and so is not here to defend himself/herself so I will not participate in this conversation."
There are many ways you can change channels and make your way out of thoughts, conversations or actions, but the first thing you have to do is be conscious enough to know what is going on. The only way you will know is to continually be in a conversation with God. I guarantee, if you are in a continual conversation with God, you won't be interested in self-imposed drama. When your mind goes to that dark place, switch channels and follow God because I guarantee, He is following your every move. He is constantly on your heels, so you may as well turn around and follow the One who literally has your back.
**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.