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Pluto in Capricorn |
Pluto Rising in Capricorn Part II |
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Saturn in Pisces |
Uranus in Taurus |
The House of Windsor Royal Family Charts |
Scorpio Moon Shopping & Surgery |
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How can I be a Christian & practice Astrology? |
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![]() ![]() ![]() The Moon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus Rx at 12:14 AM EST. Lunar aspects have an 'orb of influence' of 12 to 14 hours 'before' and 'after' their exactness. The Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces Rx at 9:07 AM EST. Lunar aspects have an 'orb of influence' of 12 to 14 hours 'before' and 'after' their exactness. The Moon in Pisces square the Sun in Sagittarius at 1:39 PM EST. Lunar aspects have an 'orb of influence' of 12 to 14 hours 'before' and 'after' their exactness. The Moon in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn at 4:03 PM EST. Lunar aspects have an 'orb of influence' of 12 to 14 hours 'before' and 'after' their exactness. The Moon moves out of Pisces into Aries at 5:47 PM EST where it will last until Thursday - December 21, 2023 at 9:50 PM EST. ![]() I welcome sharing my writing, links, quotes and Astro Memes, ![]() THE BIG NEWS today is Pluto in Capricorn reaches its 29th degree for the 3rd time since January 25, 2008. A planet remains in a sign for 30 degrees and then it moves into the next sign. Pluto is a 'generational planet', meaning it stays in a sign long enough that it impacts generations of people, the masses. Unlike the personal planets - the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Venus and Mercury which are personal planets, impact us personally. By the way, the Sun and the Moon are not planets. Astrologers just phrase it that way to make it easier to understand. The Sun is actually a star and the Moon is a luminary (a satellite) of the Earth. I am North Node Virgo and stickler for details and calling things what they truly are without apology. This is a 16-year transit that I wrote about on this website back in October 2008. For the past 15 years I have hung my hat on this transit of Pluto, especially where the masses, politics, authority figures, and generational transits are concerned. I have encouraged you to check the Capricorn section of your chart to see where this aspect would be slowly LIFE CHANGING over the course of this 16 year period of time, which is January 2008 until November 2024. My Scorpion King and I have identical house placements in nearly the same degree, even though we are a few years apart. He's like my twin, but not. Even twins, identical or fraternal, are the opposite of each other. That's how we are. It's taken us 15 years to look at each other and say, "Hey I'm you! AND YOU'RE ME!" We actually met at the beginning of this transit. It's been an eye-opener. So folks, look at your charts to see where and how this has been impacting your chart. Keep reading . . .
Capricorn is represented by the mountain, the summit, the peak, the Billy goat, and the mountain climber. Basically, Capricorn is the mountain and the one who climbs it. Some climbers make it, and sadly, some do not. Think of the mental and physical challenges associated with climbing a mountain. This aspect has been heavy, challenging, breath-altering and downright dangerous dealing with extreme conditions. No doubt, over the course of the past 15 years, you have been in some extreme conditions of your own. EXTREME! Not just, "Oh that was a tough time!" I'm talking EXTREME! This aspect has been ruthless and treacherous. It's been a long, extreme, and exhausting climb that is not for the faint of heart, meaning those who lack the courage to carry-on in the face of adversity, frostbite and heartbreak. This aspect is not for cryers, complainers, babys and wimps. Some people have opted to stay home, some have opted to remain at base camp, and the remaining have forged ahead because they want the success and reward of standing on the summit. I'm the King/Queen of the World!
The goal is the summit, but sadly, there will be some individuals, couples, families, companies, businesses, enterprises, ventures and establishments that will simply NOT make it. What do I mean? Well, let your imagination go to work. Capricorn is the opposite sign of Cancer. Capricorn rules the father and Cancer rules the mother. One impacts the other. Some will simply not make it. I mean that in every sense and twist of the phrasing you can imagine. Yes, I mean 'that' too, whatever you are thinking. This climb is ruthless, unforgiving, windy, bitter, biting, scary and distressing. It's not for everyone, and sadly some will just not make it. They will lose everything. Did you know mountain goats have little suction cups on their hooves that help them stick their climb. That's why 'prepared humans' where crampon cleats on their boots while mountain climbing. As the climb gets higher, let's say going from 00 degrees, to 01 degree, to 02 degrees, to 03 degrees, each degree means one more level up the side of the mountain, imagine how steep the climb is at 29 degrees. Just sit with that thought for a minute. That's where we are today. The steeper the climb, the more we will see some people fall off the mountain, or find them frozen stiff in their tent, maybe there is an avalanche that takes out a few climbers and they are never found. You know, "disappeared!" When the mountain rumbles, it shakes loose not only the snow and ice, but the climbers because some will be UNPREPARED!!! No climbing poles, no pickaxes, no crampons, no backpack, not even sunglasses. Some thought wrong, didn't prepare, and set out in tennis shoes. Some set out in regular ol' boots with no fur on the inside. Some forgot their gloves. Seriously! Some didn't pack enough food. Some forgot their sunglasses and didn't think about the Sun and snow blindness from the UV rays. That makes my forehead hurt just thinking about it. The snow and ice reflect AND MAGNIFY the Sun's intensity. Even with cloud cover one can get snow blindness. BLIND! And seriously, some will just fall off the mountain because they were busy taking selfies and weren't paying attention to their real needs. They just wanted social media to see them on a mountain, as if they were mountain climbing.
And so here we are on Tuesday - December 19, 2023 reaching the 3rd of 4 direct impacts of Pluto in Capricorn at 29 degrees. We are almost there at the point, the peak, the SUMMIT! MASTERY! The mountain will surely shake and release an avalanche, and sadly some will fall off the mountain because they didn't earn the climb, so they don't get the reward. The slow movers who still think mountain climbing is not a big deal will be covered by the avalanche, simply because they were not prepared. They didn't think it was dangerous even though 'the climb leader', Sardar, Sirdar, or Sherpa (real terms for the leader on a mountain climb), directed and warned them of what provisions they would need. Even the outfitter, which is a business that sells clothing, equipment, and services, for specialized outdoor activities, tried to tell them. How many times have you read #PrepYoAss on this website or on my social media? How many times have you seen or heard this, not through only myself, but many places on social media. Now we are seeing more and more and more and more commercials by .GOV alerting the masses to be prepared. Perhaps the commercials are just going over your head because you just don't believe you need to prep for anything. Well, if you read the Pluto in Capricorn write-up, you would know that Pluto rules oil. I just want to plant that little seed. PLUTO RULES OIL! Pluto in Capricorn is at 29 degrees and I can see in myself that I am out-of-breath talking and typing into the wind. It's pretty much like pissing in the wind. I'm kinda done dragging people along who don't want to see, hear or know. Okay.
So many times over the past few days I have started to post on FB some news-worthy-scary-as-sh!t information that is Truth, but I'm kinda DONE! D.O.N.E. I kinda feel like my work is done with Pluto in Capricorn. I did my best and then some. I ran the race and fought hard while still getting all my work done and keeping my own world prepared. It's cold, hard, brutal, piercing, numbing, sharp, unsympathetic, forbidding and F-ing dangerous. I warned, alerted and tipped-off as many people as I could. Some listened, some didn't. I have to be okay with my effort(s). This 29 degrees is MASTERY. It's the summit. Some will make it, and some will not. The mountain will shake and throw off what is loose. There are a lot of loose people not even hanging on by a thread. They're taking selfies. They aren't hanging on AT ALL. No mountain pickaxe. No crampon ice cleats. No climbing poles. NOTHING! The mountain will convulse, vibrate and toss off those who are proved useless. That's the way it is in movies, right? After all, the Capricorn motto is, "I use therefore I am". Capricorn tosses off what is useless, as Capricorn is a utilitarian. Capricorn does not weigh itself down with useless stuff or people. Capricorn is the boss or manager of the zodiac. YOU'RE FIRED! OFF YOU GO! Last year from March 23, 2023 until June 11, 2023 we saw the introduction of Pluto in Aquarius. After Pluto was in Capricorn at 29 degrees the first time from February 11, 2023 until March 23, 2023 it then moved into Aquarius, which is some ultra-nuclear-scary-sh!t if you ask me. Even if you don't ask me, I'M TELLING YOU, Pluto in Aquarius is some ultra-nuclear-scary-sh!t. Maybe you haven't taken the time to look ahead. Okay. I am at a place where I have found peace with the choices of some individuals who blatantly chose not be prepared for the avalanche. Now I'm just winding-up my shoulder and slinging my arm with my pickaxe in hand, up and over into the mountain to pull myself up to the top. Really, it's just like that. Those who are with me, are with me. And those who are not, See ya', wouldn't wanna be ya'. I have prepared my house, my Life, and this website well into the future. That's what prepping looks like in all forms. So you bet your ass I have a pickaxe, crampons, provisions and my sanity! Keep reading . . .
Folks, Pluto in Aquarius is going to take-out a lot of people. Yes, I mean a lot of people are flat-out going to die. Just like they did last Spring. Only now the sleepy people will not be able to deny it. They will wonder what is going on, but they will see it. I will not elaborate in this writing because I already wrote it up in the Pluto in Aquarius writing. Click the Astro Meme above or that link. There are lots pictures. I will create more Astro Memes to drive the visual point home and keep adding them. Pluto in Capricorn at 29 degrees is set on transformation and taking out those at the top that DO NOT belong there. Remember, Pluto rules authority figures, father figures, fathers, government, military, CEOs, executives, divas, those in a high position, rank in society, status in the community, famous people and those who pursue fame at all costs. Watch the mountain shake and see what falls out. It's Tuesday - December 19, 2023 and Pluto in Capricorn is now at 29 degrees for the 3rd of 4 times. Mastery! How's your climb going? ![]() REGARDING THE MOVIES! I'm getting a lot of emails to my proton account about the movies that are out and coming out in 2024. Folks, come on!!! They are just making fun of you now and making money off of you. PLEASE! This has been occurring over years and years and years and years! I have seen nearly every single disaster movie out there, as I consider myself a survivalist. I have even seen a ton of foreign disaster films with captions, and their symbology is all over the damn place. It's nothing new in o666ama's new movie. People are just now catching on and so they are just now seeing how blatant and bold it is. THE SYMBOLOGY! And get this, their production company is called, 'Higher Ground Productions' because she(?) used to say "take the higher ground" and she(?) is a Capricorn!!!
Haven't you ever noticed the ICON movie production symbology? The eye? I-CON. As in con-man. The eye? One eye? I con you, is what they are saying. Laughing all the way to the bank. Now put that together with the one eye symbology that all of the movie stars and musicians do in their pictures and costumes. For God's sake, it's everywhere! I'll get my friend Linnea to hit me up with some one-eyed pics and I'll post them on FB today.
And another thing, I will NOT knowingly give o666ama an f'ing penny. Not a chance in his hell or someone else's. I cancelled Netflix when the o666ama's were signed. THAT IS how I am and who I am when I stand AGAINST! I do not feel tempted, curious, nosy or interested. For o666ama's movie, "Leave the World Behind" we are talking about someone who use to be the leader of the free world contributing to a movie about America's demise. For God's sake, stop contributing to his 'hope and change'. That man had, and still has, many of you at "Hello".
The Truth is THE PEOPLE can speak with their wallets and put some out of business. You know, "Go woke go broke!" I wish the people would do this with NetFlix. ![]() I have been asked to post or provide the Retrogrades for 2024. Folks, that has already been completed and announced long ago. The 2024 Retrogrades, 2024 Full Moons, 2024 New Moons, 2024 Eclipses, 2024 Moon trine Sun Calendar, and 2024 Astro Memes are already on this website. All you have to do is look in the left side navigation column or look at the very bottom of the home page. I announced this several times back in October. Please, take your time exploring this website. Now that the 2024 VoC Moon Calendar is complete, there is nothing more to do. It's all completed!
I added the 2024 Void of Course Moon Calendar to the Holistic Shop and to the 'Buy Me A Cup of Coffee' web page. You are now able to order it. Click the 2024 VoC Moon Calendar below and it will take you to the page. If this Daily Horoscope resonated with you or you received an 'Ah-ha', please consider supporting my 'original content' and buying ME a coffee. You might say, "One awakening (horoscope) for another awakening (coffee)". What a wonderful exchange of chi'. Options to use Venmo (Dr-Loretta-Standley), Stripe (DrStandley) Cash App ($DrStandley) to pay for your services or to Donate to the website using either/or Buy-Me-A-Coffee (DrStandley). Click an option.
Book a phone reading using the red button above, or if your device does not support the button then use this link to go to my Holistic Shop. You can also order Natal Charts or Solar Returns using the Memes below. IMPORTANT **This horoscope is no substitute for a prescription or medical advice. This horoscope is for entertainment purposes only. DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.