The "Ascendant" (Ascending) and "Descendent" (Descending) lines make up the horizon. It is the line that would cut the chart wheel in half horizontally. Therefore, the sign that was coming over the "horizon" at the exact moment of your birth is your "Rising Sign" or "Ascending Sign." It is the sign on the 1st house cusp. The cusp is the line that marks the beginning of a house.
Your rising sign is the sign that shows how "others" see you, which is reflected in your first house. Once someone gets to know you, then they will see more of your Sun Sign characteristics, but until that happens they will form an opinion about you based on your Rising Sign. This means you take on the personality of the sign that rules your first house.
If I wrote your natal chart, then you already have this information in your chart. Use the information below to read about other people in your Life.
Even though you were born during the calendar month of a certain Sun Sign, the planets were still moving about the heavens. And at the exact minute that you were born, a certain constellation (Sign) was rising over the horizon. This would be your Rising/Ascending sign. Calculate your Rising/Ascending sign below, then always remember to read that sign's horoscope too. Remember your rising/ascending sign rules your first house rules.
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**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.