This aspect is a seat of inner tensions. The tension of the square gives us motivation. Squares are dynamic aspects that give us the drive to succeed. What begins as an inner problem is overcome or accepted, and then becomes a door to understanding.
It is important to understand that the Sun rules the identity, ego, individuality, power and pride, while Neptune is spiritual, dreamy, imaginative and has escapist tendencies.
If you read the second paragraph again, you may be able to quickly see why this aspect is all about one deceiving oneself. In other words, this aspect is all about self-deception with the ego heavily involved. The Sun is after all a huge and heavy planet. This is what makes one think that they are the spiritual master or guru or the vessel who is the one to deliver the message to God's people. Certainly, we are all vessels, but this aspect causes one to think of themselves as 'the important one' and the individual wants to be seen as important. So when this aspect flies over the rest of us (who do not have this aspect in our natal chart) then we might be thinking along these same lines. Read more in my Astrology Aspects eBook - click the graphic below!
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