This aspect is a seat of inner tensions. The tension of the square gives us motivation. Squares are dynamic aspects that give us the drive to succeed. What begins as an inner problem is overcome or accepted, and then becomes a door to understanding.
It is important to understand that the Moon rules the home and the family. It also rules the emotions, feelings, sensitivities and moods, while Mars is busy, hyper and action-oriented. The Moon is emotional, while Mars is assertive, aggressive and competitive.
This aspect is emotionally volatile, wherein both negative and positive emotions brew. The Moon rules the emotions and Mars is THE MOST aggressive planet. This is definitely a mercurial and unstable placement for emotions. The emotions are changeable and downright fickle. One minute you might be lively and giddy, then in the next minute you may be on the verge of an aggressive raw burst. This aspect is quick-tempered and intolerant. There is impatience and irritability, which can mean periods of loneliness when left alone. If you have learned self-control then you will discover plenty of energy to be channeled into productive activities. Read more in my Astrology Aspects eBook - click the graphic below!
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