This aspect depicts conflict which, when resolved, results in growth. Oppositions show a tug of war between opposing forces. If they are resolved, then the oppositions become the backbone and strength of the chart.
It is important to understand that Mercury rules the reasoning and conscious mind that forms conclusions. Mercury is intellectual, it is the thinker, while Mars is busy, hyper and action-oriented. The Moon is emotional, while Mars is assertive, aggressive and competitive. This aspect is the classic placement for the individual who likes to argue, just because.
No matter what the subject, you take the opposition position just for the sake of argument or to be the devil's advocate. This aspect indicates aggression in your communications, but then you are surprised when others take offense. You believe that others are criticizing you when it is really you who needs to learn how to compromise. The lesson in all this is to learn to compromise.
The personality takes on a much more critical and fault-finding tone. You can be a real stickler for accuracy in thought and verbage, as you hold on to that one word or phrase to argue over. Oddly enough, you sometimes overlook important details or fail completely to see and understand the other person's point of view. There is a need to be right with this aspect. Read more in my Astrology Aspects eBook - click the graphic below!
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