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Mars in a Sign |
Mercury in a Sign |
Moon in a Sign |
Sun in a Sign |
Venus in a Sign |
Age of Aquarius |
Jupiter in Gemini |
Neptune in Pisces |
Neptune in Pisces Retrograde |
Pluto in Capricorn |
Pluto Rising in Capricorn Part II |
Pluto in Aquarius |
Saturn in Pisces |
Uranus in Taurus |
The House of Windsor Royal Family Charts |
Scorpio Moon Shopping & Surgery |
How are horoscopes written? |
How can I be a Christian & practice Astrology? |
What is a Natal Chart? |
BEFORE YOU FOLLOW ALONG ON THE CALENDAR BELOW - READ THIS! Saturn moves into Pisces for a 3 year period from Saturn in Pisces - March 7, 2023 until February 13, 2026. I can't stand it when Saturn gets a bad rap because that is not how Astrology is supposed to work. Fear tactics PISS ME OFF! Now folks, Saturn is supposed to be your father, not something to fear. Saturn rules the father and you are not supposed to fear your daddy. Saturn is 'the enforcer' of rules and discipline and wears a belt (of rings). Sometimes Saturn (the father or authority figure) takes off his belt and swats us on the butt and sometimes he tightens his belt to put the 'squeeze on' us because we are out of line and we need to be restricted or limited for our own protection. We humans are an unruly lot and often times we need our chain yanked to keep us straight so we will fly right. Saturn is the disciplinarian and authority figure (father figure) but you will only experience this if you need it. Do you need it? Saturn limits, restricts, squeezes and monitors to keep you in-check. Saturn doesn't restrict you because you don't need it. Saturn restricts you because you do need it. For instance, don't expect to handle a lot, if you can't handle a little. You will keep experiencing 'a little' until you can handle it rightly. You could correct yourself but if you need 'the father' (Saturn) to step in and use his belt, then believe me, he will take off his belt or tighten it. Saturn has rings around it (a belt) for a reason. Saturn does not get enough credit for its perks. Saturn is solid. Saturn has your back. Saturn has longevity and will really hang in there. Saturn will hold its ground while continually seeking answers and solutions. Saturn can endure and really hang in there, like the mountain goat does for incredibly long periods of time, as Saturn is also the planetary ruler of Capricorn. Saturn rules longevity and time. Saturn is 'Father Time'. Saturn will kick others ass if they mess with you while you are doing your thing 'rightly'. So do your thing 'rightly' and Saturn will have your back. GO UP FOLKS, GO UP! Saturn has commitment, timing and longevity. Saturn is the proud papa and wants to pat you on the back, give you a reward and say, "See that one right there? That's my kid." Saturn has the bumper sticker on their car that says, "My kid is on the honor roll." Saturn will buy their kid a car when they are doing well. You can be that kid!!! Saturn will also not only take the keys, Saturn will sell the car if you can't handle it. Saturn won't really put up with you doing C work if you are A capable. Retrogrades give us a 'DO OVER' - meaning we get three (3) chances to get it right before progressing foward. Below you will see where we pass over a set of degrees, then the degrees go backward (Retrograde = Rx) and then they move forward again passing over the same set of degrees a third time. So we get the first chance to get it right, then we get the second chance and then we get the third chance before we progress forward. God is Good folks. He is not giving us two or three chances just to mess with us and screw up our lives. God is giving us three chances to get it right because He is Awesome and because He Loves us. If you look at Retrogrades as a 'Do Over' then they will be much easier to handle because you will be looking for how you can do something better the second and third time around. So when the degrees pass over the first time, look at that time period closely to see what you will be repeating a second and third time in order to get it right before progressing forward. It's all Good! Get your charts out and check the degrees where Saturn will impact your chart. If this transiting calendar resonates with you or you received an 'Ah-ha', please consider supporting my 'original content' and buying ME a coffee. You might say, "One awakening (horoscope) for another awakening (coffee)". Winky wink
DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind. |