| YELLOW DOCK (Rumex crispus) |
Yellow Dock is an astringent and blood purifier and is useful in treating diseases of the blood and chronic skin conditions. Yellow Dock is rich in digestible plant iron. It has Vitamins A and C, manganese and nickel. Yellow dock is a part of the Polygonaceae family and has many names such as curly dock, narrow dock and curled dock. This herb contains many antioxidants, including a high source of iron. It is a toxic herb to harmful organisms. Yellow dock is short lived.
It is used for digestive issues or stomach acid deficiencies. Yellow dock can be a helpful in digestive deficiencies that prevent the body from getting protein and minerals. Stimulates bile production to help the digestion of fats, as well as stimulates bowel movements with its chemical anthraquinones.
Yellow dock contains oxalic acid, which can irritate the intestines of some people. Oxalic acid gives dock a tart, sour flavor, and it has a laxative and stimulating effect on the bowels. Oxalic acid can inflame the kidneys and intestines and should be avoided entirely by those with severe irritable bowel or kidney disease. Those with irritable digestive systems may react to even small amounts of Yellow Dock. Avoid usage if nursing or pregnant; kidney damage; vomiting, difficulty breathing
Roots, leaf stalks
As an herbal Tea - drink several cups each day for one to two months to treat anemia. As a Tincture - take 1/4 to 1 teaspoon every two to eight hours for a few days to treat constipation. Used as a laxative; blood cleanser; leaf stalks are used in salads.
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