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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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Dr. Loretta Standley is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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Astro Memes for major aspects for January 2022 on DrStandley.com

There are only two planets on this page. Jupiter and Saturn are slower moving planets than the planets that change monthly and affect you over the period of a 1 to 2 or 2-1/2 years, which is why these two planets are written in your Yearly Horoscope. The even slower moving planets - Pluto, Neptune and Uranus change sometime during a 7 - 14 year period, which you will find in your generational horoscope because they impact an entire generation of people. The faster moving planets that change around the period of a month or so are Venus, Mercury, Mars and the Sun and are listed under the monthly horoscopes. The super fast moving Moon moves through a sign in 2 to 2-1/1 days, which dictate your daily horoscopes.

Jupiter Opportunity in Yearly Horoscope

Saturn in Aquarius

Jupiter in Pisces 2021-2022 on DrStandley.com

JUPITER OPPORTUNITY - Jupiter is in Pisces from from May 13, 2021 until July 28, 2021, then from December 28, 2021 until May 10, 2022, and then from October 28, 2021 until December 20, 2022 on DrStandley.com. This is because Jupiter will move into Aries and then Retrograde from July 27, 2022 until November 22, 2022. That is a Good solid 7-1/2 months total of abundance, generosity and expansion in the house ruled by Pisces in your chart.

If you have been using the Jupiter in Pisces Transiting Degree Calendar (click on the Astro Meme or link) then you will see the Retrograde coming and the transit into Aries and then back to Pisces. You will also see last year's Jupiter in Aquarius with a Retrograde into Pisces.

Jupiter is all about ABUNDANCE and EXPANSION! Whatever Jupiter touches, E-X-P-A-N-D-S! Keep in mind, whatever the 'energy' is surrouding the subject matter, then that energy is expanded. So if the energy is bad, the bad energy expands. Jupiter is very much like a balloon getting bigger and bigger. If the energy is Good, then the Good energy expands. If the energy is not Good, then it gets blown to smithereens just like a balloon popping. Remember, Jupiter is the fat, expansive, lucky, extra blessings, fortunate, adventurous, exciting, higher thought, gypsy traveling, cup over flowing planet!

Jupiter in Pisces is moving through your natural ruling 12th house of spirituality, the hidden realm, past and karma; and there is a HUGE possibility that you will benefit in these areas. Jupiter is often referred to as the planet of luck, but I prefer to call it the planet of 'extra blessings'.

Since Jupiter is moving through your 12th house of the hidden realm, this aspect is actually working for you behind the scenes. Even though you may not actually see the 'abundance elf' working for you, rest assured the 'abundance elf' does exist and is working for you behind-the-scenes. Actually, it's an 'abundance angel.'

Abundance and expansion are taking place in your favor behind the scenes and all you have to do is keep moving forward. There is a bit of a caution here. Since the 12th house is about the hidden realm, then whatever you have been hiding from others will probably be seen by everyone. It would be best to handle this in a mature fashion and take responsibility so that you can get on with the abundance part of this aspect.

Refrain from fear when Jupiter hits this house because once that 'thing' is released then expansion takes place because you had been restricting your Life or holding back. There is a lot of relief that you will be feeling while Jupiter moves through this 12th house, so do not even pull out the worry card. Remember, Jupiter is the abundance angel. Even though Saturn is moving through Aquarius setting you for restriction, for some reason you need this, and perhaps it is to tame your desires so that you do not overspend when the abundance really comes rolling in.

This house also represents your mother's second husband (if she had a second husband). If this man exists, then you would be able to gain from the relationship in several ways. Maintain your readiness when opportunity strikes. You will begin to see the Truth for what it really is even though you may not be able to explain it. The subconscious mind is being effected and you will learn a lot about yourself. This will give you a new found courage to explore and delve into your mission and passion in Life.

Your biggest abundance and benefit will come to you through the organizations and things that the 12th house rules, which would be hospitals, institutions, government organizations, charitable organizations, even jails and prisons. Do not let this scare you because even jails and prisons are a business and require contracts. Just keep an open mind.

You may feel more charitable to organizations that had not previously touched your heart. Make certain that you use your head when giving your money away. Since Jupiter is fortunate and about benevolence, philanthropy and abundance; this is what causes you to identify with those who are unfortunate or less fortunate. Your heart just goes out to people.

Since the 12th house is the hidden realm and what goes on behind the scenes, you may be more interested in astrology, mysticism or things that would normally not interest your practical mind. Your mind definitely e-x-p-a-n-d-s with Jupiter present. While your benefits may not be seen, you will definitely know that they exist. It will be clear to you.

If you are coupled-up, make certain that you push your partner to take better care of their health. If the 6th house rules your health, then the 12th house would rule your partner's health. They may have more health issues that they had in the recent past. This does not mean anything other than what it is. The more responsible they become, the better and easier it is.

This 12th house is naturally ruled by Pisces, which rules the Ocean and you just may find yourself standing at the edge of the Ocean this year. Oh yes, it can and will probably happen sometime during the Jupiter influence.

Refrain from gambling and risk taking unless of course you are in a 'business' where this is normal, such as entertainment, gaming (casino), etc.

Now make Jupiter in Pisces really personal and check your Natal Chart to see how it is affecting you personally rather than as an entire sign or schedule a personal 15, 30, 60 or 90 minute reading with me to learn how to work this energy to your maximum advantage.

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Saturn Opportunity in Yearly Horoscope

Jupiter in Aquarius

Saturn in Aquarius - March 21, 2020 until July 1, 2020 and then from December 17, 2020 until March 7, 2023 on DrStandley.com

SATURN OPPORTUNITY - Saturn in Aquarius from March 21, 2020 - July 1, 2021 and then from December 17, 2020 until March 7, 2023. Check out the Saturn in Aquarius Transiting Degree Calendar. Use it to track the degrees. Click on the Astro Meme to the left.

If you have been using the Saturn in Aquarius Transiting Degree Calendar then you will see Saturn at 13 degrees on May 24, 2021 where it turns Retrograde and then re-emerges at 06 degrees on October 11, 2021. Notice that it will only be a few months before Saturn in Aquarius retrogrades again. Keep in mind that Aquarius is the socializer, the ruler of social media and the sign of friendships, groups, memberships and organizations. Saturn has had 'the squeeze' on Aquarius since March 21, 2020 which is the exact day that my yoga studio had to close for the first COVID shutdown. Saturn took off his belt and has put the squeeze on Aquarius. This is why it is clear to me that the squeeze will be on Aquarius and we will experience 'the pandemic' until March 7, 2023. So yeah, it is my belief and interpretation that this is going to go on for a while and there will likely be a couple of more shutdowns because that is what Saturn in Aquarius does, it puts 'the squeeze' on everything Aquarius. In other words, social distancing will still be here for quite some time.

As Saturn moves through your 11th house, it can be downright unpleasant in your cycle of friends or within groups and organizations or it can be the most exciting and astounding two years you have ever had with regard friends and organizations. You get to choose!

Saturn is all about RESPONSIBILITY, FATHER, PATIENCE, TEACHER, KARMA and STRUCTURE and is moving through your 11th house of friends, social circles, organizations, hopes, wishes and dreams; therefore, this is a time for you to become a better friend. The true meaning of friendship will be realized. You will notice that some friendships will fade away and other friendships will arise. In other words, you will certainly know the difference between a friendship and an acquaintenance. New friends will arise from the most surprising circumstances. This aspect will also teach you to become more responsible and loyal with your friendships. This is merely a growth process that is needed for your personal development.

During this time you will also become more of a valued group member among your peers. There is a duty that will need to be met among the organizations you associate or belong to. Saturn rules churches and Cathedrals and you may find yourself more involved in religious organizations. More than likely, you will be more involved in group activities where you serve in a diplomatic position (which is very Libra-like) to balance the group. Working within groups for a common goal is likely. The lesson in this Saturn aspect is learning how to work with different types of people, different personalities and maybe even a different belief system.

Maintain self-discipline and responsibility so that your goals will continue to be met. You may also find that while you are calling people on their "stuff" that your committments and loyalties to friendships are also being tested and noticed.

Imagine a world where all yoga teachers are teaching yoga.

And Who Are You? - Special Companion Guide

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IMPORTANT **This horoscope is no substitute for a prescription or medical advice. This horoscope is for entertainment purposes only.

DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.

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